Study of the Criminal Characteristic in Criminal Jurisprudence& From the Angle of Legislation and Judiciary 面向立法与面向司法研究视野下的犯罪特征问题
The causation of criminal law is the difficult problem of the theory of criminal jurisprudence, and the determine standard of causation of criminal law is the core of the problem and dispute. 刑法因果关系是刑法学理论上的疑难问题,而认定刑法因果关系的标准则是疑难和争议的核心。
Under the historical context of the development of Criminal Jurisprudence, the restraining criminal law should relate and embody the tolerance, the limitation and the economy of the criminal law. 从刑法谦抑性产生的历史语境来看,刑法谦抑性主要蕴含着刑法的宽容性、有限性和经济性。
On Functionalism Criminal Jurisprudence-The Discussion of Functionalism Criminal Jurisprudence There's an argument between objective illegitimacy and subjective illegitimacy in criminal Illegitimacy of continental law system. 论机能主义刑法学&机能主义刑法学的检讨在德日刑事违法性理论中,一直存在着主观的违法性论和客观的违法性论之间的争论。
Whether we should contain the phenomena of failing to rescue by the means of penalty, we can analyze from the angles of the criminal jurisprudence and the legal economics. 对应否通过刑罚的手段来遏制见危不救现象,可以从刑法学和法经济学两个角度进行分析。
However, traditional research methods on criminal jurisprudence tend to be narrow and simple. 但传统刑法学的研究方法,大都存在视野过窄或者方法单一的问题。
As to the three external conditions, firstly, criminal law hermeneutics can not be covered by criminal jurisprudence in narrow sense, that is, these two are different from each other. 刑法解释学属于广义刑法学的一个核心分支学科,并具有自身独立的学科品格。
Criminal jurisprudence is a science of criminal legislation and criminal judicature. 刑法学是以刑法的立法和司法实践为研究对象的科学。
I have dwelt on the history and characteristics of the Roman Quaestiones because the formation of a criminal jurisprudence is nowhere else so instructively exemplified. 我对罗马“审问处”的历史和特征所以不厌其详地加以说明,是因为一个刑事法律学的形成从没有在任何其他地方这样有启发地例证过。
Revolution is necessary in Chinese criminal jurisprudence from system to content. 我国的刑法学从体系到内容都需要变革;
So it is of great significance to strengthen the research of criminal psychology that is different from criminal jurisprudence. 所以加强不同于刑法学的犯罪心理学的研究,有着极其重要的意义。
Criminal execution law is one of three mainstay subjects in criminal jurisprudence system which parallels to criminal law and criminal procedure law. However, it is most easily ignored in practice. 刑事执行法是与刑法、刑事诉讼法并列的刑事法学体系的三大主干学科之一,但是在实践中最容易遭到忽视。
Compared with the action crime, the negative crime has always been a more controversial, complicated problem in criminal jurisprudence. 相对于作为犯罪而言,不作为犯罪历来是刑法学中的一个争议较多、复杂难解的问题。
Criminal amount is the basic element or factor to determine whether the crime is convicted and to identify the corresponding penalty and sentencing, which widely appears in Chinese Criminal Code and Criminal judicial explanation documents, thus received wide and long-term attention from the circle of criminal jurisprudence. 犯罪数额是确定犯罪是否成立和刑罚的判处与否及轻重的基本要件或因素,它大量存在于我国《刑法》及刑事司法解释之中,因而受到刑法学界长期而广泛的关注。
The theory of social harmfulness is severely criticized by some scholars in the field of criminal jurisprudence, and even some think it should be rejected from the theory of constitutions of crimes. 目前刑法学界存在社会危害性理论备受指责的现象,有的学者甚至认为应将社会危害性逐出我国的犯罪构成理论。
This thesis, from the Prospects of criminal jurisprudence and judicial practice probes into the history, value of the legislation, concept characters and constitution of the special defense. 本文以纵向研究与横向研究相结合,从刑法理论与司法两个角度出发,对特殊防卫制度的立法沿革、立法价值、概念与特征,构成要件等各方面进行了较深层次的系统研究。
Annotating criminal jurisprudence should take the crimes and punishments contained in the static clauses of criminal law as its research object. 注释刑法学应以刑法条文中静态存在的模型意义上的犯罪与刑罚为研究对象。
In the whole criminal jurisprudence, crime termination may not occupy the most important position, but a lot of problems about this system are worth studying on, both in theory and in judicial practice. 在整个刑法理论中,犯罪中止或许不一定占有重要地位,但是这一制度在刑法理论上及司法实践中却存在着许多值得研究的问题。
In the subject related with crime, criminal jurisprudence and criminology which both take crime as the basic study category have the closest connection with crime. 在相关的学科当中,刑法学和犯罪学与犯罪的关系最为紧密,均以犯罪作为学科基本范畴。
Liability Accomplices Theory is one of the theories about foundation of accomplices 'punishment in the criminal jurisprudence of Continental Europe and Japan, which maintains that the accomplices punishment are based on the principals' being seduced, being fallen into the responsibility and punishment. 在欧陆、日本刑法学上,责任共犯说是主张共犯因为使正犯堕落,陷入罪责和刑罚而受到处罚的共犯的处罚根据理论。
In emphasizing and standardized criminal jurisprudence, the Criminal Modern School can't have been in leading position, and we should also watch out for the influence of the school in the design of criminal legal system. 在强调规范性研究的刑法学面前,刑事近代学派不能占取主导地位,在刑法制度设计中,也要警惕刑事近代学派的影响。
The Crime Concept in Criminal Jurisprudence of Our Country 论我国刑法学中的犯罪概念
Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that, because of the difference between subject task, subject character and research method, the comprehension of criminal category has great discrepancy in criminology and criminal jurisprudence. 但不可否认的是,由于学科任务和学科性质以及研究方法的不同,犯罪学与刑法学对于犯罪范畴的理解存在着重大的差异。
The traditional theory of criminal jurisprudence always studies the continued offence in the plural crimes theory. 传统的刑法学都把继续犯放入罪数形态中加以研究。
Constitutive elements of crime are one of category crime core of theory as criminal jurisprudence basic theories, and have always been deemed to be foundation stone and basic content of crime theory. 犯罪构成,作为刑法学基本理论范畴之一的犯罪论的核心,历来被视为犯罪论的基石和基本内容。
The study on jurisprudence theory is developed rapidly in recent years, but the research approach of criminal jurisprudence is still a blank. 刑法学研究方法在近几年迅速发展的法学理论研究中,几乎还是一个空白,越来越不适应刑法学科发展的需要。
Report on the Development of Criminal Jurisprudence 刑法学发展报告
Crime constitution is a major theoretical problem of criminal jurisprudence, which the theoretical circles of criminology have been deliberately keeping away from studying. 犯罪构成是刑法学的重要理论问题,而犯罪学理论界一直有意避开对犯罪构成的研究。
Crime of bigamy is a much debated problem in criminal jurisprudence, facing handing more and more cases of bigamy in judicial practice, how to define reasonably crime of bigamy becomes much important. 重婚罪在刑法学界是一个争论比较大的问题,面对司法实践中越来越多重婚案件的审理,如何合理界定重婚罪显得尤为重要。
This dissertation then categorizes the inter-article relationships of the criminal law along the disciplines of linguistics, logic, legislative science and criminal jurisprudence. 关于刑法法条关系的分类,文章从语言学、逻辑学、立法学以及刑法学四方面,对刑法法条关系进行了分类。